Market Square & Town Hall.

2 sierpnia 2022 , Tagi:

The centre of the city’s social life and business trade since early times, Tarnów’s market square was conceived in the early 14th century when it was laid out on a sandy hill surrounded by a lower loop of city walls and defensive towers. Although the defensive fortifications no longer remain (with the exception of a few fragments), the medieval layout of the Old Town remains intact to this day, with its latticework of narrow streets leading to the open plaza of the Rynek, with the Ratusz (Town Hall) at its centre. Measuring 74.5 by 89.4 metres, Tarnów’s market square includes two reconstructed medieval wells in the north-east and south-west corners, and is surrounded on all four sides by fine Renaissance merchant houses dating from the 16th to the 18th century. Today these buildings host various cultural venues, museums, restaurants and cafes, and in the spring and summer the Rynek comes to life with tables and chairs from the businesses lining it, and has a warm and welcoming appeal.

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