Exceptional museums in Tarnów region

Muzeum Drogownictwa w Szczucinie (Museum of Road Building in Szczucin)
35 km north from Tarnów, toward Warszawa and Kielce
ul. 1 Maja 39, 33-230 Szczucin, PL, phone: +48 14 643 63 81, web: www.gddkia.gov.pl/whd

An extremely interesting open air exhibition of road building machines and vehicles. An indoor exhibitions, presented in a bridgeshaped building, include: rich collection of tools used in road building over centuries, unique 19th century documents, roads and bridges designs, souvenirs and uniforms of road building personnel. The exhibitions are presented in a modern way, therefore very interesting for viewers. Slide shows, movies projections and presentations on history and techniques of road and bridge building can be scheduled by appointment.


Zalipie – „Malowana Wieś” (Painted Village)
40 kilometers north from Tarnów, toward Żabno
Dom Malarek w Zalipiu, PL, phone: +48 14 641 19 38
Zagroda Felicji Curyłowej w Zalipiu (branch of the Tarnów Regional Museum)
phone: +48 14 641 19 12, web: www.muzeum.tarnow.pl

Zalipie – „Painted village” is famous for the tradition of painting houses in original floral ornaments. An exhibition on the history of floral painting can be seen in Dom Malarek. Special workshops for children are organized there. Kids can learn traditional Zalipie paintings, paint Easter eggs or make Easter palms. A must-see in Zalipie is Zagroda Felicji Curyłowej (Felicja Curyłowa’s Farmstead) where besides walls of house and farm building one can admire beautifully painted interiors. Special museum lessons can be scheduled here as well.


Muzeum Lalek (Dolls Museum)
some 25 kilometers east from Tarnów, toward Rzeszów
ul. Grodzka 24, 39-220 Pilzno, PL
phone: +48 14 672 13 21, web: www.muzeumlalek.pl
open air exposition in Lipiny (by E 40 Tarnów – Rzeszów route)

This unique place was established within the dolls workshop. Its exhibitions include collections of dolls from all over the world, including significant collection of Japanese dolls. An addition to the dolls collection is an exhibition of ancient and rare religious and every-day equipment. The branch of the Dolls Museum, located in Lipiny (some 15 km east of Tarnów on E-40 Tarnów-Rzeszow international route) hosts the exhibitions of miniature buildings and characters from the most popular fairy tales. The Witch Inn, which is the name of this branch, provides delicious meals to all visitors.
Museum’s wide educational offer focuses on meeting child’s needs and interests. Some of the courses include: cooking with the Witch, weaving techniques, traditional pottery making techniques, hand making crepe paper flowers, puppets making, Christmas and Easter motifs in decoration, or expressing feelings through dolls’ shapes and colors. The last one is free of charge.


Muzeum Przyrodnicze w Ciężkowicach (Nature Museum in Ciężkowice)
35 kilometers south from Tarnów, toward Krynica
ul. 3 Maja 4, 33-190 Ciężkowice, PL
phone: +48 14 651 00 38, www.ciezkowice.pl

The exhibitions include some 200 species of birds, 500 insects and tens of hunting trophies. Other attractions are: bats’ cave, insects’ feeding grounds, local flora and pictures of a nature by some of the best photographers. Educational offer: „Our bats”, „Polish owls” and „The nature of Pogórze in English”.