Mobile website of Tarnów!
The main changes consist of the new layout, descriptions in three different languages (in case of general J. Bem’s trail even four) and photo-code which leads to description of an attraction on the mobile website. As a target all boards are going to be made in the new layout. The whole project (mobile website and replacement of the “trail” boards) is financed from Tourist Information Center in Tarnow’s own budget. The layout of the boards as well as mobile website was designed by Krzysztof Gzyl – a worker of TCI.
While visiting the website of Tourist Information Centre in Tarnów – – from the mobile device we will be automatically redirected to (new mobile website which is a shortened version of However, if we would like to visit the full version of the page, the link on the site “All about Tarnów” will automatically redirect us to it.