Jewish Heritage in Poland

5 June 2023 , Tags: jewish heritage

Poles and Jews coexisted side by side on Polish territory for seven centuries. You can still find many traces of Jewish heritage in our country, whether material, like historical architecture, or immaterial, like recurring cultural events, trails, traditions and cuisine…

…From Kraków, it’s a short distance to Tarnów, which lies in the same Małopolskie Voivodeship. In addition to the Renaissance old town, you have to see the revitalised part of the Jewish district of this city, in which Jews accounted for almost half of the inhabitants before the war. The preserved tenements in  Wekslarska and Żydowska streets present the typical compact architecture, with narrow passages between houses, confined hallways and minuscule courtyards. The only surviving – but also most important, as that’s where the Torah was read – part of Tarnów’s oldest synagogue is the bimah. These days it is in the centre of many events promoting Jewish culture….



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