Galicianer Shtetl. Remembrance Days for Galician Jews. 14-24 June 2018

8 June 2018 , Tags: festival , Jews

Galicianer Shtetl. Remembrance Days for Galician Jews 

under the patronage of Roman Ciepiela, the Mayor of Tarnów30 years of theCommittee for Protection of the Jewish Heritage in TarnówOrganizers: Regional Museum in Tarnów, Committee for the Protection of Jewish Heritage in Tarnów, City of Tarnów, Tarnów Commune

Program of events:

June 14. (Thursday)12.00 A prayer meeting at the place of Tarnow Jews execution, Buczyna Forest in Zbylitowska Góra.13.30 March of Remembrance to the Jewish Cemetery in Tarnów from the former Magdeburg Square, beginning of Juliana Goslara street (next to Public Kindergarten No. 6)14.15 A ceremonial unveiling of the Monument Commemorating the Holocaust of Tarnów Jews at the Jewish Cemetery in Tarnów after the conservation works have been completed21.00 Concert at the Bimah, Ta Shma Orchestra (New York)June 15. (Friday)20.00 On the Fence Gallery, opening of the exhibition of photographs by Dariusz Kobylański “Szacharit/shacharit//שחרית”, Square of the Old Synagogue.21.00 Concert at the Bimah, Porto Meskla Band (Kraków)June 16. (Saturday)17.00 Marzenie Cinema, screening of Marian Marzyński’s film “Skibet/Hatikvah”After the film, a meeting with Jerry Bergman, one of the film’s protagonists, an emigrant in 1968June 17. (Sunday)11.00-13.00 Open Gate of Jewish Cemetery in Tarnów, guided tours.21.00 Concert at the Bimah, Klezmafour (Poland)June 24. (Sunday)17.00 Synagogue in Dąbrowa Tarnowska, concert of the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theater (Sejny)21.00 Concert at the Bimah, Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theater (Sejny)   

Accompanying events – open meetings:

June 6. (Wednesday)18.00 Tarnow Culture Center, opening of Agnieszka Traczewska’s exhibition “Chasidic Returns to Non-Forgotten Places”.June 14. (Thursday)15.00 Stara Łaźnia Restaurant, meeting of the descendants of Tarnów Jews with the President of Tarnów, Roman Ciepiela.June 15. (Friday)10:00 High School no 5 in Tarnów, “We from March 68” – meeting with Jerry Bergman.Festival Club: Kosher Caffe Nosh, ul. Wałowa/Plac Bohaterów Getta. 

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