5 Reasons for Visiting Tarnów – Poland’s Pearl of the Renaissance

Only about one hour east of Kraków lies the charming and picturesque city of Tarnów. Małopolska’s second city by size, Tarnów is absolutely dwarfed by Kraków but features many of […]

Auschwitz: A scene of atrocities even before the horrors of the Holocaust

Eighty years ago, on June 14, 1940, the first 728 prisoners arrived at Auschwitz. The camp was initially meant for Polish resistance fighters, but from 1942 it played a central […]

Henry Rybak, Polish-American businessman and philanthropist, passed away on May 26

Henry Rybak was born in 1954 in Koszyce Wielkie, in a suburb of Tarnów. He moved to the United States in 1980, and eventually settled in northern New Jersey. Henry […]

Poland in – why you should visit Tarnów?

Poland in – why you should visit Tarnów?

Restaurants, salons and sports facilities reopen as Poland continues to “unfreeze” lockdown, but border controls extended

Restaurants, cafes, sports facilities and hair and beauty salons will reopen from the start of next week, though with sanitary requirements in place, as the Polish government begins the third […]

Greetings from Tarnów: From Factory Town to Humanopolis

A garden city, a city of the future and a city of death. Culture.pl presents a series of snapshots from the history of Tarnów, a city in southeastern Poland.

The travel industry should stand up strong

“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” Aldous Huxley.

Coronavirus in Poland: Continuation of restrictions, mandatory masks

Continuation of restrictions – some of them until 19 or 26 April, postponement of matura exams and exams for eighth-graders (egzamin ósmoklasisty), mandatory masks – these are the most important […]

Changes in flights schedule: Cracow Airport

Due to the decision made by the Polish Council of Ministers, the commercial flights ban was extended to April 11th. Therefore, further changes were introduced in the schedules of carriers […]

37th edition of the Carpathian Couriers Race CANCEL!

I need to inform that in the face of a known epidemic caused by COVID-19 virus, after consulting the domestic and foreign partners of the event, I decided to cancel […]
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